Housing: how 14 years of Tory rule have changed Britain – in charts

www.theguardian.com 01-07-2024 05:00 1 Minutes reading Negative -0.98
<p>Rents have soared, temporary homelessness more than doubled and housebuilding targets repeatedly missed</p><p>Ask a millennial in the UK in 2024 what distinguishes them from their parents’ generation and it is likely that a single-word answer will crop up: housing.</p><p>Since 2010, despite a succession of government pledges to would-be homeowners, the <a href="https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/sep/27/first-time-buyers-in-uk-drop-by-a-fifth-as-higher-mortgage-costs-bite">average age of a first-time buyer</a> in the UK has risen. Meanwhile rents have <a href="https://www.theguardian.com/money/2023/apr/28/average-monthly-rents-hit-2500-in-london-and-1190-for-rest-of-uk">soared</a>, homelessness has more than doubled and housebuilding targets have been repeatedly missed.</p> <a href="https://www.theguardian.com/politics/article/2024/jul/01/housing-how-14-years-of-tory-rule-have-changed-britain-in-charts">Continue reading...</a>

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