We couldn’t see a thing in our VIP Taylor Swift seats

www.theguardian.com 01-07-2024 06:06 1 Minutes reading Neutral 0.23
<p>I paid £2,649 for four tickets as a treat for my daughters, and all they had a view of was a tent and black plastic</p><p><strong>Last July, I paid AXS £2,649 for four tickets for the Taylor Swift concert in Liverpool this month as a treat for my daughters. When they arrived, they found their view of the stage completely blocked by a tent and large items of technical equipment shrouded in black plastic.</strong></p><p><strong>They asked to be moved and were put in the very back corner next to fans who had paid a fraction of what I had.</strong></p> <a href="https://www.theguardian.com/money/article/2024/jul/01/we-couldnt-see-a-thing-in-our-vip-taylor-swift-seats">Continue reading...</a>

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