Can UK avoid national debt almost tripling over next 50 years?

12-09-2024 01:03 1 Minutes reading Positive 0.88
<p>OBR report is not all doom and gloom, but preventing debt rising to 274% of GDP would require tough action</p><ul><li><a href="">UK debt projected to almost triple by mid-2070s</a></li></ul><p>A near <a href="">tripling of the national debt</a>; public spending accounting for well over half the economy’s annual output; government borrowing at levels never seen before: that’s <a href="">how the Office for Budget Responsibility sees Britain in 50 years’ time</a> when it looks into its crystal ball.</p><p>No question, it is grim stuff. On unchanged policies, the government’s independent spending watchdog sees national debt as a share of national income (gross domestic product) rising from just under 100% to 274% by the mid-2070s.</p> <a href="">Continue reading...</a>

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