‘Survive to 2025’: UK TV production firms fight to stay afloat in slump

14-09-2024 08:00 1 Minutes reading Neutral -0.18
<p>Indies pin hopes on recovery as cash-strapped broadcasters slash commissioning, sending revenues plunging by £400m</p><p>The UK’s TV production sector has adopted the mantra “survive to 2025” as a perfect storm of market pressures has led to a <a href="https://www.theguardian.com/media/article/2024/sep/11/uk-tv-production-sector-income-falls-by-400m-as-programming-budgets-cut">£400m financial hole</a>, leaving hundreds of small companies in a fight to stay afloat this year.</p><p>This week the industry body Pact, which has 850 TV production companies as members, revealed that cash-strapped British broadcasters slashed spend on commissioning programmes last year to the <a href="https://www.theguardian.com/media/article/2024/sep/11/uk-tv-production-sector-income-falls-by-400m-as-programming-budgets-cut">lowest level since the height of the pandemic</a>.</p> <a href="https://www.theguardian.com/media/2024/sep/14/uk-tv-production-companies-indies-commissioning-spend">Continue reading...</a>

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