Tory ‘economic competence’ led Britain to Black Wednesday. Never forget | William Keegan

15-09-2024 06:00 1 Minutes reading Negative -0.98
<p>The anniversary of Norman Lamont’s failure is a timely reminder to Labour not to have its fiscal agenda set by the opposition</p><p>Monday will be the 32nd anniversary of <a href="">Black Wednesday</a>. For younger readers, and older ones with ailing memories, Black Wednesday, on 16 September 1992, was the day the Tories lost their reputation for economic competence.</p><p>True, they had lost it once before, when the Heath government of 1970-74 fell victim to the inflationary impact of the 1973-74 oil crisis, their economic boom that got out of control, and what became known as the disaster of the three-day week.</p> <a href="">Continue reading...</a>

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