One more item on Labour’s long to-do list: repair the UK aid budget | Larry Elliot

15-09-2024 10:24 1 Minutes reading Negative -0.65
<p>Action is needed to restore the damage done by the Tories to Britain’s international reputation</p><p>Domestic issues have dominated in the two months or so since the general election. Much of the talk has been of <a href=",and%20maintaining%20roads%20and%20railways.">holes in the public finances</a>, the dire <a href="">state of the NHS</a>, and the <a href="">early release of prisoners</a> to prevent jails overflowing.</p><p>That’s not to say there has been no attention paid to foreign affairs. Labour has <a href="">pledged continuing support for Ukraine</a> and <a href="">suspended 30 arms export licences</a> to Israel. Keir Starmer has sought to burnish links with the US and to <a href="">reset relations between Britain and the EU</a>.</p> <a href="">Continue reading...</a>

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