‘There’s something in the air’: UK airport expansion gears up for takeoff

15-09-2024 01:03 1 Minutes reading Positive 0.98
<p>Lobbyists are increasingly confident about expansion plans as concerns for the economy start to deepen</p><p>The younger, tormented minister mulling his position before the Labour government granted Heathrow’s <a href="https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2008/dec/29/labour-third-runway-post-office">third runway in 2009</a> might have been greatly relieved to know that, 15 years later, not a shovel would have touched the ground.</p><p>But now, returning to power with a revamped energy and climate brief, Ed Miliband again finds himself in a cabinet which, many in aviation hope, may usher in bigger airports and more flights – as well as enough CO2 emissions to outweigh any new solar farms.</p> <a href="https://www.theguardian.com/business/2024/sep/15/theres-something-in-the-air-uk-airport-expansion-gears-up-for-takeoff">Continue reading...</a>

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