Can US economic statistics really affect the presidential election?

08-09-2024 01:00 1 Minutes reading Negative -0.64
<p>With a campaign this close, anything can shift the dial – but the average person also probably has ‘no idea’ about the monthly jobs report</p><p>As another presidential <a href="">election</a> rears into view, spare a thought for campaign operatives on the eve of the first Friday of each month. Aides used to functioning on little sleep struggle by on even less. Press releases and attack lines are meticulously prepared.</p><p>As the clock clicks to 8.30am, the website of the Bureau of Labor Statistics is refreshed repeatedly on hundreds of laptops and phones, until it finally lands: a 40-page statistical release entitled <a href="">The Employment Situation</a>.</p> <a href="">Continue reading...</a>

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