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Redefining Materiality: The Key to Unlocking Sustainable Value Generation - St. Lucia News From The Voice

thevoiceslu.com 06-01-2024 03:40 6 Minutes reading
Share Facebook Twitter LinkedIn WhatsApp Facebook Messenger Email Dr Axel Kravatzky is the managing partner of TT-based Syntegra-360 Ltd, vice-chair of ISO/TC309 Governance of Organizations and president of EUROCHAMTT. He enables companies to flourish, helping them increase the sustainable value they generate through integrated governance, certified management systems, and transformational leadership. The definition of materiality is very different in financial accounting compared to sustainability accounting. There are strong arguments for considering all of a company's well-being impacts as relevant and determining what is most material instead of using materiality as a filter for what information to collect. Look at any sustainability report and see a 'materiality matrix'. The labels on the axes vary, but one dimension is materiality from the business perspective, and the other is materiality from the stakeholder perspective. What companies then say about this matrix and even the definitions of materiality in disclosure standards and guidance varies greatly! The International Sustainability Standards Board (IISB) published the S1 Standard, which will be widely adopted, including in the Caribbean, this year: "Entities are required to disclose material information about the sustainability-related risks and opportunities that could reasonably be expected to affect the entities prospects. The materiality of information is judged in relation to whether omitting, misstating or obscuring that information could reasonably be expected to influence decisions of primary users of general-purpose financial reports." These primary users of the S1 standard are investors, creditors, or decision rights holders, and their expectations are presumed to be financial. Until recently, the concepts were described, but the actual guidance for arriving at what is material, in real, practical terms, was missing. As a result, colleagues tell me that many consultants just make it up - you start with a long list of possible topics, you consult stakeholders about information on what matters would influence their decision-making, you review the financial relevance of these matters to the company, and you generate a combined list of matters, based on your consultations you derive a joint ranking in high, medium, low from two perspectives, you group the topics into themes, and present it all in the materiality matrix. Well-being materiality for sustainable development Financial accounting has long adhered to a strict and different interpretation of materiality. In financial accounts the focus is on the risk that missing or irrelevant information in financial statements could mislead primary users. As sustainability accounting and reporting is maturing and the urgency and risk of business to contribute to a sustainable future and to avoid profiting from creating harm, a new perspective emerges. The 'well-being materiality' approach. This approach, as introduced by experts Jeremy Nicholls and Ben Carpenter, could revolutionize how businesses and their stakeholders assess a company's impact on sustainability. The Traditional View of Materiality in Financial Accounting In financial accounting, materiality is a safeguard against the omission or misrepresentation of significant information, not a filter. As Nicholls and Carpenter point out, this concept is traditionally applied with comprehensive focus, where even the most minor economic phenomena, and they use the example of the purchase of a single pencil, are considered within scope if they meet specific criteria of relevance and certainty. In the financial domain, the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting says that all information that meets the definition of asset, liability, income, or expenditure meets a level of certainty is to be included - they are all relevant. There are no other size, significance, etc. filters - everything is used. Materiality is not a filter. Materiality relates to the risk that things that matter are missed out by mistake, accident or fraud. Auditors, in turn, have a whole standard (ISA 315) on how to design an audit programme that reduces the risk that the audit does not identify missing information to an acceptable level. The Shift to Sustainability Accounting Contrasting sharply with this approach is the practice of common sustainability accounting. Here, the method considers whether the absence of aggregated information on a particular topic, subtopic, or aspect of well-being could influence the primary users of the information - in the case of the ISSB presumed to be investors, creditors, or shareholders interested only in financial results. This approach, while more convenient because you may well end up measuring less, runs the risk of limiting the assessment and valuation of the company's actual impact. The common perception is that the first step in sustainability accounting is to decide what is material instead of actually determining what all the impacts of the company are as well as their value (as perceived by those who experience them), and this can lead to prematurely excluding information because it was deemed non-material at the outset. Having more and better information on all of its actual impacts allows companies to make better decisions, resulting in increases in the net value they generate. Embracing Well-being Materiality The concept of 'well-being materiality' proposed by Nicholls and Carpenter offers a transformative approach. It suggests that businesses should account for all impacts on well-being that meet a defined threshold, similar to how financial phenomena are treated. This approach ensures a more comprehensive understanding of a company's sustainability impacts, including those that might seem insignificant in isolation but are material when aggregated. Implications for Sustainable Value Generation Adopting a 'well-being materiality' approach could significantly alter how businesses assess their sustainability impact. It encourages a more inclusive and thorough evaluation of how business activities affect environmental and social well-being. This method acknowledges that all changes, large and small, can have substantial effects on sustainability. For an organization to optimize its sustainable value generation, just like the optimization of financial results alone, it needs to know what effects different courses of action can have and how to increase these and limit any adverse effects. This is why it is essential to determine what is material after you have accounted for all effects. Challenges and Opportunities It would be almost unthinkable for companies to operate in the financial domain as most are coming to think it is good practice in the sustainability domain. Implementing the well-being materiality approach is not without challenges. Unlike financial transactions, sustainability impacts often lack a clear paper trail and require modelling and estimation, introducing a degree of uncertainty. However, this approach aligns with the growing global emphasis on sustainable development and corporate responsibility, offering businesses a framework to make more informed, holistic decisions that consider the broader impact on society and the environment. The Caribbean Context In regions like the Caribbean, where environmental and social challenges are particularly acute, the adoption of 'well-being materiality' could be pivotal. This is true not only for the private sector but also the public sector - not least because of its disproportionally large size. Companies and public entities that adopt the more comprehensive and rigorous well-being materiality approach are better placed to generate more sustainable value and contribute effectively to sustainable development. Share Facebook Twitter LinkedIn WhatsApp Facebook Messenger Email


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Share Facebook Twitter LinkedIn WhatsApp Facebook Messenger Email Dr Axel Kravatzky is the managing partner of TT-based Syntegra-360 Ltd, vice-chair of ISO/TC309 Governance of Organizations and president of EUROCHAMTT. He enables companies to flourish, helping them increase the sustainable value they generate through integrated governance, certified management systems, and transformational leadership. The United Nations' Agenda 2030, adopted in 2015, with its ambitious set of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets, was agreed to by all governments. Across the Caribbean and other parts of the world, transformation is underway. In 2023, we have reached the halfway mark and can look back at what we have achieved. The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) reports that the situation in the Caribbean is not too dissimilar from that of the rest of the world: 23% of our goals are reported to be on track after 50% of our allocated time has passed. In some areas, we have even moved away from the target. The disconnect between aspirations and commitment, from action and achievement, has become apparent. The Current Challenges in Achieving Sustainability The traditional "business as usual" model is ineffective in addressing our current sustainability crises. Despite widespread acknowledgement of the need for change, progress in achieving the SDGs is far too slow. Some have put their hope in the new global consensus Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) frameworks - within the Caribbean, mainly the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) standards published this year because they will likely be adopted within the Caribbean in the coming years. However, these ESG frameworks, while valuable in promoting awareness and transparency, predominantly focus on how sustainability issues impact the company rather than how the company impacts sustainability issues. Even those that incorporate double materiality - considering outcomes for people and the planet as well as the financial impact on the firm, as is the case with the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) - focus primarily on reporting and not decision-making processes that prioritize well-being and real impact. A telling indicator of this discrepancy is the rise in ESG-branded funds, which has not corresponded with equivalent progress in achieving the SDGs. This situation suggests a decoupling of investment growth from actual sustainable development, highlighting the shortcomings of current approaches. The Need for a Transformative Pivot in Business Sustainability To address these shortcomings, there is a pressing need for businesses to pivot towards a new vision of sustainability. This transformation involves shifting: From profit-only focus to financial and non-financial value creation From short term to long-term decision making From sustainability as an add-on to a core feature of how all business gets done From shareholder-only value to multistakeholder val...
