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'Philanthro-Capitalism' - RFK Jr. Questions Bill Gates' Motivations

www.zerohedge.com 29-12-2024 12:15 4 Minutes reading
'Philanthro-Capitalism' - RFK Jr. Questions Bill Gates' Motivations “I know most about Gates, you know, because I’ve written a book about him," says Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - President-elect Trump's Secretary of Health and Human Services - recollecting his 2021 book, “The Real Anthony Fauci', where RFK Jr exposes Gates' so-called "philanthro-capitalism", which, he explains is "using philanthropy to make yourself rich and you use it strategically and that’s what he’s done again and again.”“He’s gotten control of the World Health Organization so that they mandate vaccines all over the world and the companies that make those vaccines are, Gates’ and many of them the major shareholder. And so and he did the same thing with the green revolution.”RFK Jr. - full of facts and not conspiracies (for, if they were, where are the defamation suits) - then unraveled one of Gates' greatest disasters:“He got a hold of the the regulatory agencies in African countries and forced them to take, to change the nature of agriculture. You know, there there’s there’s 20,000 generations of agriculture of of people being, growing, crops like sorghum and plantains and yucca and all these plants for subsistence.”“And he said, no. We’re gonna transfer them all to these, you know, GMO monocultures of corn, and then we’re gonna bring in, the companies that he owns Kraft, Coca Cola, McDonald’s, these big food companies, processing companies to buy that and that’s gonna be the deal.”“And then of course during COVID, all of that shut down and you had, you know, there’s 30,000,000 Africans now as a direct result of Gates’s policy who are now on the edge of starvation.”But, it gets worse, as Gates 'ventured' into the vaccine world:“I think the the big the real tell was what happened with the DTP vaccine, which is diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis. Because of Gates pushing this this shot, it’s now the number one vaccine in the world, DTP.”“And it’s mainly given in Africa. It was that particular shot is discontinued in the United States because it was killing 1 out of every killing or badly injuring 1 out of every 300 kids who took it. We ended it in Europe and the United States, but there’s Gates giving it to every kid in Africa. And in 2017, he asked the Danish government for money to support this program and he said, we’ve saved we’ve saved 20,000,000 kids. The Danish government said, can you show us the data?”“He couldn’t. So the Danish government went and did its own study, and they had records of 30 years of this vaccine in a country called Guinea Bissau. And, they looked at the records and what they they realized in retrospect, which they were never seeing, is that the the girls who were getting that vaccine at 6 months of age were 10 times more likely to die over the next 6 months as children who didn’t get it. ""Wow. And they were dying of things that nobody on the ground had ever associated with vaccination.”“They were dying of anemia and bilharzia and malaria and dysentery, and, and, and nobody had ever had made the connection that it’s only the girls who got the vaccine who were dying of those things, that the other kids were much healthier. ”“And the Danish government had hired the retained the greatest, vaccine scientist all and were pro vaccine. A guy called Peter Aaby who’s like a deity in that space, and another guy called Soren Morgensen.""And a whole team of scientists did that, and those scientists started speaking up and saying you got to discontinue this vaccine. And their careers, Gates made sure their careers were destroyed.”All of which left RFJ Jr with no doubts:“So that’s when I understood that he actually understands what he is doing. And, you know, this is not just him being hypnotized. He knows that this is wrong because he’s this science was indisputable. And it really made me wonder about what his motivations are.”Watch the full conversation here:Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: "I know most about Gates, you know, because I've written a book about him and that what he calls philanthropicapitalism, which is you use philanthropy to make yourself rich and you use it strategically and that's what he's done again and again.""He's... pic.twitter.com/EVzvuuGpKN— Camus (@newstart_2024) December 26, 2024h/t Camus Tyler DurdenSat, 12/28/2024 - 19:15


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01.01.25 04:15
by zerohedge.com

Civic Education: The Phoenix Arises

Civic Education: The Phoenix Arises Authored by Jack Miller & Michael Poliakoff via RealClearEducation,The study of American history and government is undergoing an unprecedented renewal, akin to the phoenix – a mythical bird that is reborn by rising from the ashes of its predecessor.Major universities have recently launched independent institutes, sometimes called “schools of civic thought,” dedicated to the in-depth exploration of an American political tradition that goes beyond partisan politics. These institutes have independent hiring authority and significant state funding.So far about a dozen civic institutes have sprung up, from Arizona, Texas, and Florida to Tennessee, North Carolina, and Ohio – and others will be founded soon. They not only serve college students, but many also help K-12 teachers learn how to teach American history and government more effectively. Their mission is broad, with wide public programming.In America, we have the privilege of living in a democratic republic, arguably the greatest the world has known. Citizens can engage in politics, persuade their fellow citizens, and effect real change. Our history offers many such examples.It is all the more tragic and dangerous, then, that many students know so little about our history and institutions. They feel powerless and disaffected.Too often, instead of engaging with America’s founding principles and history, students hear about the supposed oppressiveness of Western civilization and the American “slavocracy,” with dogmatic teaching of oppressor-oppressed ideas. Our students are frequently taught to believe the worst of our nation and its people.By contrast, these new institutes endeavor to tell the complete American story – its warts but also its promise to give freedom and opportunity to all. They highlight our long and torturous journey to get ever closer to achieving the vision in our Declaration of Independence – that all men are created equal and are entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.This phoenix-like story has been long in preparation at the Jack Miller Center for Teaching America’s Founding Principles and History (JMC). Over 1,200 professors working in the academy today have been a part of the JMC network, writing and teaching about the American political tradition. This network has transformed a struggling subfield into a strong, competitive discipline and created a talent pool of faculty to support this movement’s rapid growth.The pipeline for a new generation of classroom leaders was started 20 years ago when JMC began its program of summer institutes for young postdocs and professors. Now these professors operate at institutions of all types. Seven of the eight Ivy League schools have partnered with JMC, as have 18 state universities, along with many liberal arts and religious colleges.Over 300 JMC-supported programs enrich the academic lives of students, providing guest speakers, fellowships, courses, and a chance to interact with dedicated faculty who are outside of the...
